Window washing equipment
Showing all 8 results
- Window washing equipment
Vileda evolution window washer
Dimension 35 cm.
Set with handle. Holder with flexibility of 180 degrees, left-right. The flexibility of the holder allows further reach and easier access to inaccessible places. Microfiber cover helps to remove persistent impurities. Possibility of buying a spare cover.(0 reviews) - Window washing equipment
Vileda professional rubber
Vileda reserve rubber for glass cleaning.
Dimension 45cm(0 reviews) - Window washing equipment
Vileda window cloth 36×39 10/1
Cleans windows, mirrors and other glass surfaces without staining. The latex cloth with high absorption power absorbs 10 times more than its own weight. It does not leave hairs.
(0 reviews) - Window washing equipment
Vileda razor blade for window
Vileda replacement screw for glass for fine removal of frba and stubborn impurities for glass, free from traces and damaged. Reduces the risk of cuts.
(0 reviews) - Window washing equipment
Vileda- reserve cloth for washing windows. Dimension 35cm.
Reserve cloth for washing windows. Dimension 35cm / 45 cm.
(0 reviews) - Window washing equipment
Perač prozora
Perač prozora, držač sa fleksibilnošću od 180° lijevo – desno, što omogućava dalje dosezanje i lakši pristup nepristupačnim mjestima.
Mikrofiber navlaka otklanja uporne prljavštine. Mogućnost kupovine rezervne navlake.(0 reviews)