OASIS Pro white cotton 2lit

Code: 5447

Highly efficient, long-lasting action to neutralize unpleasant smells in rooms and textiles that leave a fresh and neutral impression. recommended working concentration of 3 to 5% depending on the strength of the unpleasant smell and the hardness of the water. the amount of working solution from 40 to 67 liters. Transport package – 2 pieces.

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OASIS Pro white cotton 2lit
Highly efficient, long-lasting action to neutralize unpleasant smells in rooms and textiles that leave a fresh and neutral impression. recommended working concentration of 3 to 5% depending on the strength of the unpleasant smell and the hardness of the water. the amount of working solution from 40 to 67 liters. Transport package – 2 pieces.

OASIS Pro white cotton 2lit

Code: 5447

Visokoefikasno sredstvo sa dugotrajnim dejstvomza neutralizaciju neprijatnih mirisa u prostorijama i tekstila koji ostavlja svjez i neutralan utisak.
preporucena radna koncentracija od 3 do 5 % u zavisnosti od jacine neprijatnog mirisa i tvrdoce vode.
kolicina radnog rastvora od 40 do 67 litara.
Transportni paket – 2 komada.

In Stock
Navedene cijene su bez PDV-a.


OASIS Pro white cotton 2lit
Visokoefikasno sredstvo sa dugotrajnim dejstvomza neutralizaciju neprijatnih mirisa u prostorijama i tekstila koji ostavlja svjez i neutralan utisak.
preporucena radna koncentracija od 3 do 5 % u zavisnosti od jacine neprijatnog mirisa i tvrdoce vode.
kolicina radnog rastvora od 40 do 67 litara.
Transportni paket – 2 komada.