TURBO PLUS – detergent with optical bleach. – 194kg
detergent with optical bleach. – 194kg
TURBO PLUS – detergent with optical bleach. – 194kg
Ecobrite Emulsion Clean can be used for all types of textiles: polyester, cotton, cotton / polyester blend, acrylic, polyamide and viscose (wool, silk and lacquer sealing is not recommended). Use at temp. 30 ° C – 90 ° C. The recommended dosage is 5-20 ml / kg of dry textile depending on the dirt and hardness of the water.
To remove the most common stains from food, fat, rose and body impurities. Transport package – 4 pieces.
Detergent for textiles with special enzymes for washing highly dirty textiles. It is used for washing all kinds of textiles, in all types of machines and at all temperatures. Ecologically certified.
deterdžent sa optičkim izbjelj.- 194kg
TURBO PLUS – deterdžent sa optičkim izbjelj.- 194kg
Koncentrirani, Univerzalni deterdžent
Efikasan , bez obzira na stepen tvrdoće vode, uklanja nečistoću na 40 ° C
Obezbeđuje visok nivo bjeline
Bez fosfata.
Sredstvo za izbjeljivanje.
Efikasno uklanja pigmentiranu prljavštinu.
Nekorozivno sredstvo za neutralizaciju pH .Koristi se za regulaciju pH vrijednosti u poslijednjem ispiranju,eliminiše loš uticaj bikarbonatne vode,ima prijatan miris i ne ostavlja poslijedice od alkalnosti na tekstilu.Kanister 20kg/Plastično bure 200kg