Elpa soft 20kg

Code: 4660

The asset is optimal for softening and refining all types of laundry. It leaves a pleasant smell on the textile and improves the effect of centrifugation and shortens the drying time. Add the product to the last wash while the machine is working, depending on the desired effect from 5 to 10 g / kg of dry textile irrespective of the hardness of the water.

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Elpa soft 20kg – The asset is optimal for softening and refining all types of laundry. It leaves a pleasant smell on the textile and improves the effect of centrifugation and shortens the drying time. Add the product to the last wash while the machine is working, depending on the desired effect from 5 to 10 g / kg of dry textile irrespective of the hardness of the water.

Elpa soft 20kg

Code: 4660

Sredstvo je optimalno za omekšavanje I oplemenjivanje svih vrsta rublja.Ostavlja na tekstilu prijatan miris I poboljšava učinak centrifugiranja I skraćuje vrijeme sušenja. Proizvod dodavati u zadnjem ispiranju dok mašina radi, u zavisnosti od željenog efekta od
5 do 10 g/kg suvog tekstila nezavisno od tvrdoće vode.

In Stock
Navedene cijene su bez PDV-a.


Elpa soft 20kg -Sredstvo je optimalno za omekšavanje I oplemenjivanje svih vrsta rublja.Ostavlja na tekstilu prijatan miris I poboljšava učinak centrifugiranja I skraćuje vrijeme sušenja. Proizvod dodavati u zadnjem ispiranju dok mašina radi, u zavisnosti od željenog efekta od
5 do 10 g/kg suvog tekstila nezavisno od tvrdoće vode.