Kitchenpro Washn Walk 2lit

Code: 4567

Sredstvo za čišćenje podova bez ispiranja.
Razgrađuje masnoću, specijalni enzimi razlažu sve vrste masti i masnoća
Neprekidno dejstvo, enzimi deluju za vreme i nakon primene.Proračun doziranja:2%
2L koncentrata sredstva sadrži 100L radnog rastvora.

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Navedene cijene su bez PDV-a.


Kitchenpro Washn Walk 2lit
Sredstvo za čišćenje podova bez ispiranja.
Razgrađuje masnoću, specijalni enzimi razlažu sve vrste masti i masnoća
Neprekidno dejstvo, enzimi deluju za vreme i nakon primene.Proračun doziranja:2%
2L koncentrata sredstva sadrži 100L radnog rastvora.

Kitchenpro Washn Walk 2lit

Code: 4567

Floor cleaner without flushing. It dissolves fat, and special enzymes break down all kinds of grease and fat Continuous effect, the enzymes work for and after the application. The dosage calculation: 2% The 2L concentrate of the agent contains a 100 L working solution.

In Stock
Navedene cijene su bez PDV-a.


Kitchenpro Washn Walk 2lit
Floor cleaner without flushing. It dissolves fat, and special enzymes break down all kinds of grease and fat Continuous effect, the enzymes work for and after the application. The dosage calculation: 2% The 2L concentrate of the agent contains a 100 L working solution.